Thursday, April 3, 2014

Good Storytelling: Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Memoirs

Whether it’s fiction, non-fiction, or a memoir, a good story is deemed good when it is told well. There are things to keep in mind to assure this is your result.

Good storytelling can accomplish many things:

  • Brings fresh insights about what motivates people.
  • Causes us to consider the changes life brings and how we feel about them or how we might respond or react to them.
  • Causes us to look at lies, truth, and motive in, perhaps, a new way.
  • Gives us windows to peer into that reveal more about humanity and human nature than we’ve previously known or considered.
  • Allows us to vicariously experience inner and outer sensations, to use our senses while sitting still.
  • Lets our imaginations play and feel good about doing so.
  • Lets us witness restorations—including of love, balance, justice.
  • Makes us laugh out loud.
  • Its use of words and phrases can cause us to pause and reflect or use a highlighter to mark a passage that speaks to us.
  • We can wear our “who-done-it cap and try to solve the mystery.
  • Lets us observe contradictions and conflicts with our feet safely tucked under us and a soothing mug of steaming tea nearby.
  • Takes us into beauty, as well as into its opposite.
  • Relates our own life experiences to those of the characters or to imagine ourselves as the characters in unfamiliar circumstances or realms.
A good story can do these and more, but it must be told well. This involves not just the words and how they are sequenced, but the technical matters such as correct punctuation, proper paragraphing, scene breaks, plot and character development, flow, dialogue that also includes actions so that characters are not just talking heads.

It must answer questions for readers that the plot has presented, and must wrap up the story in a way that satisfies even if all indications are that a sequel will be needed (or, hopefully, desired by readers).

It must have enough description but not so much that it detracts from the experience and flow.
It must have balance between narrative, dialogue (when appropriate to the story), and action.
It must stay real, which even science fiction and fantasy must adhere to within their created worlds.

Whether a story is fiction, non-fiction, or a memoir, a good story told well takes us into a world we wish to visit, even if not to live in, so we have experiences, gain knowledge or wisdom, or are entertained in a way that is pleasing, enjoyable, or meaningful for us. This is what you want to give to your readers, as well as to yourself as a writer.

What Kind of Editing Will You Need?
Sometimes you need more than basic editing, which is called Developmental Editing, to assist you with plot and character development, as well as other creative and technical matters. I particularly enjoy this service when the writer’s story has “good bones.” Know this: most new-writer manuscripts need this service, especially first drafts; and when I see in the sample chapters sent to me that Developmental Evaluation (a critique) is needed instead, because the manuscript needs substantial revision, I advise clients to go for that service, unless they really want me to do an overhaul for them, which I can, though it’s labor-intensive.

Developmental Evaluation is also beneficial for non-fiction and memoirs, which sometimes need structure re-organization: the story is not told in the best order for the most impact or is confusing to read. It doesn’t help if your story makes sense to you but not to readers. Eventually, every manuscript needs an editor’s eyes.

Timing: New writers typically don’t know to anticipate that time may or will be involved to get their manuscript into final form, meaning into proper shape to self-publish or submit to an agent or publisher. This timing all depends on how much work their manuscript needs. Manuscripts generally need more than one revision. Even best-sellers go through multiple revisions.

The entire process of manuscript to retail product is an involved but fascinating one. You can learn a lot about what it takes from start to finish for an idea to become a book, and benefit greatly from what you learn, especially if you intend to keep writing.

Have a question? Contact me at and I’ll blog about it.

I wish you the best with your writing and process.
Joyce Shafer
Services for Writers

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