How to Get an Agent for Your Book or Choose Self-Publishing Instead: Tips, Lists, and More – A Special Report
49-page special report provides enough basic information to help you get an
agent for your book or choose to self-publish. Includes a starter list of 61+
agencies (261+ agents) and a link to more agents than you’ll ever need—plus the
Number 1 reason an agent rejects a
manuscript; a comprehensive list of genres and subgenres; guidance about the
feared query letter (including some do’s and don’ts), with access to templates
and samples; plus a connection to free tutorials for writers; and more things
you need to know to help you decide then go for it!
Go to
to order your copy now! Order directly from me on
this page Mon.-Fri. between 9:30 a.m.–4:30
p.m. Central Time, 9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Sat.